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Content marketing, the king of content

Content marketing is elemental in internet marketing without content works nothing. The statement “content is king” does not exist for nothing, and content marketing is designed to accomplish this. Using content marketing to website with content. The content should be composed in such a way that it excites the target, appeals and excites, with the ultimate goal that the target binds to itself. Thanks to the right way of working and using content marketing to do this well.

Content marketing and audience

Content marketing is not just writing a text and put online with the idea that there is a website. In theory this is true, however, that a website will serve no purpose and effect. With content marketing it is about the website is constructed so that it conveys exactly what you want the audience wants to read. In other words, content marketing consists of thorough preparation (also here, preparation is half the work). It should be analyzed very well what exactly is the audience, what does this target audience and how it thinks and acts. When fully mapped, it is important to analyze the competition. How do they present themselves, what makes them unique, what are their prices / rates, etc. Based on this analysis should be a plan to put it apart and unique compared to the competitors. When imaged is who and what the target is and how one can distinguish itself from the competition is started with writing texts anticipate. The texts must be examined by a “neutral” person who can do this from the perspective of the target audience and competition. After this is completed and texts have emerged whose belief is that exactly reflect what the audience wants to read, know and fascinating and distinctive from the competition, it can be started to determine the layout. What images meet again at the previously set target and (distinction) competition criteria and fit the lyrics. Ultimately this should form a whole that conveys exactly what the audience “catchy”. When this part of content marketing is ready, it should be thought of the search engines.

Content marketing and search engines

Content marketing should also keep search engines in mind, perfect content, entirely appropriate to the audience and distinctive from the competition looks very nice, however, if the site is not found, is actually all for nothing. Content marketing must be very clear also deal with (on-page) SEO.
