“Behind every find there is a story of its own,” says Mario Schrader, throwing the best fishing magnet into the water again. He is standing at Ludwigskai in Würzburg. With him is Walter Linder. For about a year and a half, the two have been sharing a hobby that is hardly known in Bavaria but already controversial: magnet fishing. On this day, they had to get up early for it. When they arrive on the banks of the Main, there are still light clouds of fog over the river. Schrader attaches a shiny silver magnet weighing two kilos to a plastic rope about 20 meters long. The 22-year-old ties the other end to a metal strut anchored in the ground. He then takes the magnet in his hand, takes a swing and throws it about five meters toward the middle of the river. The two are looking for treasures and scrap metal that have been lying at the bottom of the Main River for years or even decades. Ammunition catch near Bad Kissingen: When magnet fishing becomes dangerous Mario Schrader is probably showing an old bicycle rim that he fished out of the Main River with his magnetic fishing rod. |